Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 13 Living As Disciple Makers

Taking the First Step

Being a disciple maker means that you will begin to look at the people in your life differently. Every person in your life is created in the image of God, and Jesus calls every one of them to follow Him. God has placed these people in our lives so that we will do everything we can to
influence them. Following Jesus means that we will be teaching other people to follow Jesus.

Take some time to consider your first step toward disciple making. Who has God placed in your life that you can teach to follow Jesus? Maybe God is laying someone on your heart that you donʼt know very well. Your first step could be building a relationship with that person. Maybe itʼs someone youʼve known for years, and God is calling you to take that relationship to another
level. God has placed you where you are, and the people around you are not there by accident.

Keep in mind that the Great Commission calls us to every type of person, to those inside of the church as well as to those outside. Everyone needs to understand who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him.

6. Who has God placed in your life right now that you can begin making into a disciple of Jesus Christ?

1 comment:

  1. There are some friends on my heart that don't believe and my family that I can begin to make disciples of. I have slowly been working on them, but I think that I can kick it up a notch.

    This stuck out to me: "Following Jesus means that we will be teaching other people to follow Jesus."
