Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 8 Living As Disciple Makers

Part I: Living as a Disciple-Maker
Session 2: The Command to Make Disciples

Imagine your reaction if someone came back from the dead to speak to you. Seriously, try to imagine that right now. What would you feel? How intensely would you listen? How seriously would you take his words?

Think about what this must have been like for the disciples. They were working their everyday jobs when a mysterious teacher asked them to follow Him. As they followed, they saw him challenge religious leaders, embrace sinners, heal the sick, and even raise the dead. They knew that He was not an ordinary man. At various times and to varying degrees, people saw Him as the Messiah who would bring salvation for Godʼs people. But He never quite fit anyoneʼs expectations of what the Messiah would do or say.  

The disciples walked beside Jesus through all of this. They watched as the blind were given sight. They heard Jesus forgive the hopelessly unrighteous and restore the lives of the broken. They helped pass out bread and fish as Jesus miraculously fed huge crowds. The disciples seem to have been more aware of Jesusʼ true identity at some points than at others, but they followed Him until the end, believing that He was the one who would restore the fortunes of Godʼs people.

And then He died. Just like that. It was over. It seemed that Jesus could do absolutely anything, that He had power over sickness, death, every person, and every thing. By this power, Jesus was bringing the healing and redemption that the world so desperately needed. But the
disciplesʼ hopes of a better world died as Jesus was nailed to a Roman cross.  

And so the disciples spent three days in confusion and disillusionment. Everything they had hoped for was gone. Perhaps they had wasted their time following this mysterious person for three years.  

Then it happened. He came back from the dead! When Jesus re-appeared on the third day, all of their hope came rushing back! Now there could be no doubt! Now that Jesus had conquered even sin and death, He would certainly bring about the full redemption that everyone was hoping for. There could be no stopping Him.

Once again, He surprised everyone. Instead of telling them that He would immediately transform the earth, Jesus gave His disciples one final command and ascended into heaven. Just like that; out of nowhere. What was the command? Essentially, He told them it was their job to finish what He started. They were to take the message of repentance, reconciliation, and redemption that Jesus had preached in and around Jerusalem and spread it to the very ends of the earth:

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:18-20)

1. Stop for a minute and read Matthew 28. Try to place yourself in the disciplesʼ shoes as they witnessed these things and heard these words from Jesus. How do you think you would have reacted?

1 comment:

  1. I think I would have dropped everything, I would sell everything, do anything to follow this Risen Lord Jesus! I mean WOW, not only did I get to do ministry with Him and see miracles. This guy came back from the grave! There isn't anything that My LORD can't do!

    But, We, the church and Israel are forgetful. Sometimes we forget how BIG, how Good, and how powerful God is...Israel complains at the Red Sea after seeing miracle after miracle. Israel complains of the food God provides, they forget what's He's done. Sometimes I find myself here, forgetting. In the middle of worrying and anxiety and being a deer frozen in the head lights I've forgotten what God's done...Conquered the GRAVE!!! HE can do anything and He is GOOD. I strive to live for Him, not the world or the church or myself, but Him and Him alone. This lifestyle should lead us to things that others, even in the church, think are crazy!
